Classic ScaleTrac

Experience the Ultimate in Scale Software Solutions with ScaleTrac - Save Time and Eliminate Errors with Electronic Weight Capture and Automated Ticket Calculations

Classic ScaleTrac Features

Integrate with Moisture Meters and Scale indicators
Calculate Dry Charges, Shrink, & Net Bushels
Track Field/Farm Yield History
User friendly
Track Truck & Freight Charges

Book Your ScaleTrac Demo Today

ScaleTrac CERES

Effortlessly manage your scale tickets from anywhere with ScaleTrac Ceres - the user-friendly and secure web-based platform that's perfect for operations of any size!

ScaleTrac CERES Features

Cloud Based
Real Time Reports
Scale Indicator & Moisture Meter Interface
Weigh from any Web Device
Calculate Dry Charges, Shrink, & Net Bushels
Customer Portal

Client Testimonials

ScaleTrac Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have the ability to email tickets and reports to customers?

Yes, Vertical can send tickets directly to the customer as soon as the ticket is printed. Reports can be exported in any format to your customer.

What kind of tickets can I make in ScaleTrac?

Inbound graded, in-transit, transfers and outbound graded, in-transit, transfers.

How do I put weights on the tickets in ScaleTrac?

ScaleTrac will interface with any Scale Indicator.

Does ScaleTrac interface with GrainTrac?

Yes, every ticket that is applied in ScaleTrac automatically moves into GrainTrac.

Can I email tickets in ScaleTrac?

Yes, all you would have to know is the customer’s email and ID in ScaleTrac.