Classic GrainTrac

Our Grain Accounting program, GrainTrac, will track your inventory, net long and short, hedge positions, purchase, and sale contracts, and even track your CUSTOMER HISTORY!

Classic GrainTrac Features

Track Grain from Delivery to Settlement
Track Grain Inventory
Track Contract Balances - Purchase & Sale
Track Company Long/Short Positions
Print Producer Friendly Statements & Checks
Track Hedge Contracts

Book Your GrainTrac Demo Today

CenterPoint Accounting and Payroll

(Red Wing Software)

Redwing’s CenterPoint Accounting can be locally installed or cloud-based, and helps you manage your farm′s and business finances and profitability with software specifically for agriculture.

Centerpoint Features

Cloud Based
Real Time Custom Reports
Connect any device with internet connection
Track Grain Storage & Grain Bank
Contracts to Market

Client Testimonials

GrainTrac Frequently Asked Questions

I have multiple Scale locations; do I have to have a GrainTrac PROGRAM FOR EACH LOCATION?

No, GrainTrac can house tickets from multiple ScaleTracs and from different locations. Locations would have their own Profit Center in GrainTrac to identify what location they came from.

Can tickets be applied to contracts?

 Yes. Contracts are made in GrainTrac, when applying ticket available contracts will appear to be able to apply to them.

Does GrainTrac offer End of Month Reports?

Check Register, Invoice Summary, Grain Payables, Position Report, and many more, Contracts to Market, Inventory to Market
Creates the EDI.DAT for your auditorss

Can I make eACH payments in GrainTrac?

GrainTrac does have the capability to create Direct Deposit/ACH Payments

Can I make settlements or invoices in GrainTrac?

When buying grain, after tickets have been priced a detailed settlement can be generated for customers. Checks can also be made in GrainTrac. Invoices are generated in a similar way.

What types of contracts can be Made in GrainTrac?

Priced, Basis, HTA, and Delay Price

Can I put Hedges in GrainTrac?

Yes, Futures, Puts, Calls, Spreads.

Can I make advances for contracts?

Yes, and when making settlements for tickets that are applied to that contract it will automatically deduct the advance.

How do I keep track of Freight?

The Carrier and Freight rate can be added to tickets when they are entered to deduct from settlements and produce the Freight payable for the Carrier.

Can I make warehouse receipts?

Yes, Negotiable, Non-Negotiable, Collateral

Does GrainTrac keep track of how much grain I have on site?

The Daily Position Report keeps track of house inventory, company own, and net long/short, among other things.